Thursday, September 15, 2011

30 Day Song Challenge - Day 20

Day 20 - A song that you listen to when you’re angry

Finally, the next few days of the challenge are mildly interesting, though I've already covered at least today's in a previous day's entry, or at least touched on it. As I said on Day 14, I believe people to be somewhat hypocritical in regards to music. We're all perfectly fine listening to songs that make us laugh and cry. We're glad to hear songs that make us happy, even songs that make us sad. We watch movies that scare us and movies that we find humorous. But why do we shy away from songs that touch on the more ugly emotions? Like anger?

Now, I know today's entry isn't "a song that makes you angry." That would be a whole different kettle of fish altogether and would be more related to a song that we hate (Baby You're a Firework by Katy Perry makes me angry...but not because it is an "angry" song). I do believe there are songs that tap into our anger and, while I would certainly not advocate people listen to angry songs and then go smash a car window in rage, I don't see anything wrong with seething a little bit as long as it hurts no one. And more to the point...who the heck wants to listen to Walking on Sunshine after we lost our job or rolled our car (yes, that is my car. No I did not feel like listening to Walking on Sunshine after it happened). Indulging in a little seething is healthy, I believe. I don't think it's healthy (or possible) to get past our anger without working through it. It's just as plausible that telling someone to cheer up will cure their clinical depression. It's just something that passes.

Unfortunately, the truth of the matter is that I don't listen to music when I'm angry very often. I'll usually turn off the radio. But there are a few songs I could probably stomach listening to if I was angry, particularly the winner of Day 14:

Hey look, an actual winner for once. I suppose I'll just stick with this one. I usually listen to this kind of music more when I'm writing a battle scene (or a particularly angry scene) in a roleplay or one of my doodles, but I think it deserves to be in this winning spot.

Runners Up:

Ok, so at least the day was mildly interesting, even if the winners aren't really anything new. I do occasionally go to Pandora and type in "death metal" or something similar, but not with any frequency. In fact, I believe the last time I did that was when we were fighting Lord Marrowgar in Icecrown Citadel (World of Warcraft), but not because he made me angry (he was actually really easy), but just because I always felt like he looked like something from the cover of a death metal album.

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