Thursday, April 12, 2012

The end justifies the means

Here is all I am prepared to say about the ending of Mass Effect 3: amazing in concept, legitimately disappointing in execution. The claims of false advertising made against Bioware can actually be considered entirely legitimate, but the community is unnecessary hypocritical in leveling such wrath against Bioware, one of the few good developers left, when we have had to suffer so many broken promises by lesser developers (and Peter "Here, have the sun...oh, is that a lightbulb?" Molyneaux) and have nowhere near the coordinated rage. Is it because Bioware is amazing that we are unable to cut them any slack? I find this to be an unfortunate state of affairs. When you are a teacher and one student routinely gets A's on every single test, but gets a C+ on their final, you do not hold them back a year. You assume they simply made a mistake, perhaps chide them for it, and move the fuck on. When a student, let's call him Little Petey for example, continuously gets C's on his assignments (while continuously making the same mistakes every single time and promising that he'll get an A+ on the next one), you do not let up in your criticism for him because it's a lost cause. You continue to work on him until he actually lives up to his goddamned promises.

I think we can cut Bioware some slack on this one. The ending is legitimately disappointing, but there is enough there, as well as an /amazing/ game preceding it, that I feel like they've earned it.

That's all I want to say on the matter. I love Bioware. I would hate to see their good name blacklisted because of one lackluster ending to an otherwise fantastic game.

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