Thursday, August 18, 2011

30 Day Song Challenge - Day 16

Well, as you may have noticed (or maybe you really don't give a flying you-know-what...if that's the case, why are you here?), it's been awhile since my last post. Even my little rant was a couple weeks ago. Part of it has been work (you know, that thing you do between sleep and video games). A lot of it has been video games (Dragon Age 2, League of Legends, Minecraft...seems like a new game keeps cropping up every so often that demands ALL OF MY TIME). A little of it has been research for my thesis and working on my English 101 syllabus (but I have been working on them, rest assured). But largely the problem has been that I've been avoiding this particular day in the 30 Day Song Challenge. I've thought about it sparingly over the last couple of days, but I really have had a hard time with it...but I suppose one can only avoid paying the piper for so long. So, here goes nothing:

30 Day Song Challenge - Day 16: A song you used to love but now hate.

So, as you may have gathered from previous blog entries, I generally don't listen to songs that I dislike. As such, a song that has "fallen from grace," so to speak, will generally also fall from my notice (and my collection) so far that I will no longer spontaneously think about it when asked if there is a song that I used to love but now hate. Unfortunately, I believe in completionism in all things, be they video games, work projects, or blogs, so I am left with the unpleasant task of having to think of a winner for today.

Now, the closest thing I can really think of are songs that I used to like but just don't listen to much anymore, perhaps even skip frequently if they come up on playlists (that could count as disliking them, right?). I wouldn't say I hate them (or I wouldn't even have them in my collection anymore), but there are definitely songs that I rarely, if ever, listen to anymore. So, let's just pick the most prominent of those and be done with this wretched day, shall we?

Winner: Dancing on the Ceiling (Lionel Richie)...I guess.

Like I said, it's really hard for me to pick a song that I don't like anymore since I generally don't think about songs I don't like. I guess I'd have to say this is a song I liked at one point but just don't listen to it and skip it when it comes up on my playlists. It's not that I hate it. I ambivalent. But since I am sick of this day's challenge hovering over my head, I'm just going to pick this one and be done with it. I suppose it fits the bill...I do remember being somewhat fond of this song and now I really don't ever seek it out...though I doubt it was ever anything close to my favorite.

Whatever, let us just get this wretched day's challenge behind us so I can move on to the next day...which is..."a song you hear often on the radio."


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